So WHAT is so difficult for me lately to get any more than two or three sentences written?!
I get distracted by the littlest thing and “waste” time doing everything but writing. It makes me sick and crazy.
I can make the excuse that I’ve been busy but I don’t want to make excuses I want to have some novel chapters or a handful of poems. Not just whine whine whine.
I have all these great conversations with myself in my head. Why can’t I just have them on paper or on blog? Is it really too much to ask of myself?
I guess there could be deep dark psychological reasons for not doing it. I know I’m a practiced, veteran procrastinator. I have made progress but my creative output seems to be the place where I have the hardest time with it. Argh!!
Ok enough moaning and groaning.
I am working on some good stuff. The anthology sponsored by is underway and we’ve gotten some quality writing. I’m really excited for that moment when I have a real live volume in my hand. A real book. Maybe that feeling will help push me to finish the novel. So that then I can have a real live novel by me in my hand.
I also have a bunch of little projects to do before we go to England. A bunch of photojournalism and copying some video. I can’t lug all the stuff I want to my friend on the plane so I have to record it some other ways.
The Wild Wings Fairies & Things Festival is done so I have a handful of follow up tasks to do for that And then I can forget about it until next year. No, that’s not really in the least bit true. If I want it to evolve into a hugely successful event (of course I do because I’m a perfectionist) then I need to find some sponsorship and get feedback from the larger “fairy” community.
I have a fire engine blog to create…we’re going to finish the restoration of our 1945 Mack fire engine and then modify it. The modification and restoration will be documented on the blog. I love my fire engine! I wnet to the Antique Truck Show in Carroll Park a few weekends ago and I really enjoyed it. More so than I thought I would.
Also more work to be done to pin down a new venue for Enigmatology. I don’t think it will be much longer now.
S..L..O..W..L..Y purging our own junk and finding homes for all the stuff from Carm’s parents’ move. My original intention had been to spend all winter purging our stuff. Selling on ebay and just getting stuff to charity. But instead we worked at getting his parents’ ready to sell and move. I’m glad its done but mentally I haven’t caught up to myself yet. Now we have more stuff than we started with before they moved but most of it is good stuff.
Soph is all 4 years old now too. It snuck right up on me. She had a good birthday I think. Running around with a bunch of her friends and getting goodies from family.
Lovin! this weather lately..getting all kinds of stuff done inside and out.
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